KB-MIX-2S-RED is a brand producer to add to a standard base beer with low bitterness (10-12 EBU) as unique requisite to obtain a cherry beer (kriek beer like) with a taste and flavour close to the main commercial Belgian kriek beers, with some double sweetness coming from stevia extracts. KB-MIX-2S-RED is a mixture of spices selective CO2 extracts, vegetal essential oils obtained by cold pressing and concentrate fruit juices. This well balanced mixture has been designed to impart to beer the typical kriek beer flavour and taste. This one is traditionnally obtained as a result of maceration of « griottes » cherries in lambic beer (young Gueuze beer). All the components of the mixture are food grade 100% natural and they have not been in contact with any solvent apart from CO2 which has the GRAS status (generally recognized as safe for food production by the FDA) and which evaporates completely after the extraction.


  • High production flexibility as the brand characterisation comes in the latest step of the process. Nothing has to be changed in the usual production. The only requisite is to produce a base beer with a low bitterness around 10-12 bitterness units. Following the demand one fraction of the beer base can be used for the production of cherry beer and the other fraction is adjusted to the usual bitterness level using isomerised hop extracts (see technical leaflets of Isototal, Tetrasol, Isohumulex).
  • Rapid market response.


  • 1-2 ml/liter of beer.


  • This product complies with FAO/WHO JECFA and FCC recommended specifications for food grade ingredients.


  • Selective CO2-extracts of food grade spices (100% natural no use of additives), food grade vegetal essential oils obtained by cold pressing (100% natural no use of solvents or additives), stevia extract, water, 7% v/v ethanol, 1% vegetal gum.


  • Vegetal extracts or natural aroma compounds or spices or beer aromatized with spices (Benelux AR 31 mars 93 bière ART. 4 § 2) .


  • At least one year under cool storage and exclusion of light and oxygen.


  • Drums of 1, 5, 10, 25 kg (other packaging on demand).


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