TANNOX-BREW is an atomized granulate powder of a high purified high molecular weight gallotannin. Gallotanins or tannic acid are extracted from gallnuts. Tannic acid inhibits malt lipoxygenase activity by 50%, reduces metals by its reducing power, removes metals by its chelating power and blocks radicals forming reactions. Tannic acid reacts very selectively with acid proteins containing SH-groups. Only these sensitive proteins are removed. TANNOX-BREW gives a real improvement on lauter-tun or mash-filter filtration rates and improves beer shelf life as far as clarity, taste and flavour are concerned.
PHYSICAL | description: appearance: odour: taste: density: |
high purified high molecular weight gallotannin light yellow atomized granumate powder weak tea-like flavour neutral to light astringent dry 0.35 – 0.45 g/cm3 |
CHEMICAL | content: moisture: gallic acid: ash: solubility:pH: heavy metals: Arsenic: Lead: |
min. 96% tannic acid on dry max. 7% max. 1% max. 0.075% clear in water (C=20) clear in alcohol (C=20) 3.5 – 4.8 (1% in H2O) less than 20 ppm (FCC IV) max. 3 ppm max. 5 ppm |
Conform with FCC III – Fema-Grass |
- In soft water at 1% – 5%
- During mashing-in the addition of TANNOX-BREW will improve the wort filtration rates, will reduce the malt lipoxygenase activity reducing fatty acids oxydations and radicals formation, will improve ITT or anti-oxydation power.
- At the end of boiling (5 minutes before the end to avoid tannic acid hydrolysis) will improve colloidal stability, whirlpool yield and ITT.
- 4 to 8 g/Hl at mash in and 4 to 8 g/Hl at end of boiling.
- Better wort filtration rate.
- Longer beer shelf life: by lipoxygenase reduction, by metals reduction, by metals removing, by improving ITT.
- Colloidal stability improvment.
- Whirlpool yield increase.
- To store in a cool and dry place.
- This product complies with FDA recommended specifications for food processing aids. Certificates of analysis are provided with each delivery.